丽贝卡 is 可用 租用
雇佣 丽贝卡


验证专家  in 市场营销



丽贝卡 is a multi-hyphenate marketer with a decade of experience working with brands across health and wellness, 时尚, 美, 奢侈品, 生活方式领域. 以客户为中心,以洞察力为导向, she thrives off of solving problems and bringing life-changing experiences to the customer. 丽贝卡 brings positive energy to the table and has a strong ability to manage multiple stakeholders, 建立战略伙伴关系, 并在各种工作中表现出色, 快节奏的环境.


Surpassed campaign KPIs by 10% by designing an integrated strategy to launch a new product category, 补充.
Attained a 61% increase in sign-ups within the first two weeks of launching the first-to-market cycle synching program as part of marketplace repositioning around women's health, 获得跨渠道参与度的双重激增.
领导品牌重塑工作, working with the founder and creative to establish an aesthetic and tonality that aligned with the brand's ethos and mission, generating five press pieces during the launch and an 8% immediate increase in conversion rate.




  • Worked as the 1st marketing hire and was tasked to develop and execute a 营销策略 and budget to drive awareness and conversions of a 1st-to-market product promising health and wellness benefits in the shape of a 奢侈品 compression garment.
  • Drove a 49% increase in revenue and a 20% increase in CVR upon joining the team, 源于盈利和增长渠道.
  • Identified the gap in awareness tactics for a growing brand and quickly identified and onboarded social, PR, 以及网红机构和合作伙伴.
  • Managed a total of four marketing agency partners to support business goals and initiatives.
  • 建立并培养了一支强大的营销团队, 管理一支由全职和自由市场营销人员和创意人员组成的团队.
  • 自有品牌管理. 担任品牌管家, driving visual and brand identity forward and maintaining cross-channel consistency.
  • Partnered closely with the product innovation lead in developing positioning and messaging for key launches.


2018 - 2023
  • 领导品牌重塑工作, working with the founder and creative to establish an aesthetic and tonality that aligned with the brand's ethos and mission, generating five press pieces during the launch and an 8% immediate increase in conversion rate.
  • Drove a 125% increase in overall revenue and a 73% renewal rate through successful cross-channel marketing initiatives.
  • Designed an integrated strategy for the launch of a new product category, 补充, 超过活动关键绩效指标(kpi) 10%.
  • Revamped and optimized the brand's Instagram channel, resulting in a 22% increase in 订婚.
  • Collaborated with the Clinical Advisory Board and contributed to the management of clinical studies, 增强了Pvolve方法在市场上的可信度.
  • 领导国内外各部门的公关合作伙伴, 包括消费者, 贸易, 医疗保健, 特许经营, 新闻稿, 和B2B, 每年通过数字媒体产生超过50亿的媒体印象, 打印, 广播, 播客媒体.
  • Attained a 61% increase in sign-ups within the first two weeks of launching the first-to-market cycle synching program as part of marketplace repositioning around women's health, 获得跨渠道参与度的双重激增.


2016 - 2018
  • 与销售部门合作,创建并优化整合营销活动, 编辑, and creative by leveraging insights and metrics to measure brand awareness, 订婚, 以及转换性能.
  • Built and managed client relationships to drive business growth and revenue through effective account management, 沟通, 和谈判.
  • Analyzed campaign performance metrics to identify actionable insights and opportunities for improvement while guiding the development of future marketing tactics, 创造性的概念, 预算分配.
  • 精简营销工作流程和流程, optimizing team performance and productivity while overseeing two junior team members.
  • Negotiated final contract terms and conditions with partners with a key focus on protecting the company's best interests and minimizing potential business and financial risks.
  • 提高收入的一个帐户列表跨时尚, 美, 技术, 生活方式垂直增长43%.


2014 - 2015
  • Supported the planning 和执行 of brand and performance campaigns across digital and social platforms with the team. 进行研究和分析, 确定目标受众, 并开发了有效的信息和创造性的概念.
  • 制定全面的品牌战略, 营销见解, 创造性的概念, 预算建议与客户的目标保持一致, 历史性能, 竞争格局.
  • 与媒体所有者建立并培养牢固的关系, leveraging these partnerships to negotiate competitive rates and secure added value for eight 奢侈品 retail clients.
  • 在持续的基础上管理和优化活动, leveraging data-driven insights and granular analysis to maximize performance metrics.


Surpassed campaign KPIs by 10% by designing an integrated strategy to launch a new product category, 补充.

Recover 9 was Pvolve's first entry into the supplement space as a first-to-market supplement that promises to help speed recovery, 减少疼痛, 恢复肌肉功能.

I introduced it to the market and convinced our existing users who came to Pvolve for fitness to buy this supplement. I worked with the clinicians to help create the product and built a go-to-market (GTM) strategy, 包括定位, 时机, 定价模式, 其次是营销计划. 也, 作为战略和创意执行的领导者, I crafted both paid and earned campaigns and collaborated with the creative team, 从简报到批复.

The initial launch surpassed campaign revenue goals by 10% and was deemed successful.


Attained a 61% increase in sign-ups within the first two weeks of launching the first-to-market cycle synching program as part of marketplace repositioning around women's health, 获得跨渠道参与度的双重激增.

沃尔沃推出了Phase & 函数, the industry's first program that can help women sync their menstrual cycles in an effort to reduce PMS symptoms and increase overall energy and health.

During a time when cycle syncing was not as widely known in health and wellness, 我的任务是以一种有意义的方式将它推向市场, including driving awareness to the product while also educating on the importance of cycle syncing and what it means to move and eat in accordance of your menstrual cycle.

我和一组医生一起工作, 包括妇产科医生和物理治疗医生, 和健身和营养专家一起来了解这个项目. 我制定了整个市场策略, 包括付费和免费平台, 具有健壮的内容策略.

The launch surpassed KPIs with a 61% increase in sign-ups and a double increase in overall 订婚.


领导品牌重塑工作, working with the founder and creative to establish an aesthetic and tonality that aligned with the brand's ethos and mission, generating five press pieces during the launch and an 8% immediate increase in conversion rate.

Pvolve's branding was misaligned with its promise to help women look and feel their best throughout their lives and did not depict itself as the sophisticated, 这是精确的锻炼. 为了达到这个目的, 我以创纪录的两个月时间率先完成了整个过程, 从构思到创意简报, 营销策略, 批准, 和执行.

整个项目包括更新的品牌指南, 包括设计规范, 语气, 复制例子, 以及一个详细的营销策略来支持发布.

The launch day saw five dedicated press pieces and an 8% immediate increase in conversion rate, 最终有超过45个新闻片段.
2010 - 2014





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